StaffTraveler hotels, the cheapest option when finding a hotel room
At StaffTraveler, you have the exclusive opportunity to book hotel rooms at discounted rates reserved for airline crew members. Here's a simple guide on how to do it.
StaffTraveler Sponsors the 2024 World Airline Road Race: A Celebration of Aviation Spirit and Community
Love adventure and running? Get ready to sprint with joy! Auckland is hosting the World Airline Road Race (WARR) from October 4-6, 2024. It's the perfect opportunity to lace up your running shoes, show off your airline pride, and take on a fun new challenge designed just for travel enthusiasts like you.
5 Reasons to Use StaffTraveler
Discover why one of our loyal users declares StaffTraveler as the ultimate app for non-rev travel.
10 Simple Rules for Non-Rev Travel
As a seasoned non-rev enthusiast, I’m often asked whether non-rev travel feels stressful. My resounding answer is no! You, too, can make non-rev travel a breeze by following these ten simple rules.
Pandemic Travel Family (Part 4)
The Pandemic Travel family adventures while traveling through Europe during the Pandemic. Part 4, Italy
Pandemic Travel Family (Part 3)
The Pandemic Travel family adventures while traveling through Europe during the Pandemic. Part 3, Croatia
Jerusalema Dance Challenge
A complete overview of #JerusalemaChallenge videos by aviation staff around the world, made during the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Pandemic Travel Family (Part 2)
Read all about the Morrisons' adventures while traveling through Europe during the Pandemic. Part 2, planning the trip
Pandemic Travel Family (Part 1)
Our Pandemic Travel Family adventures while traveling through Europe during the Pandemic. Part 1, the introduction.
Non-Rev Travel During COVID-19
For those of you who rely on non-rev travel for work, or are finally able to get some rest using your non-rev benefits, we collected as useful information on non-rev travel during the COVID-19 outbreak.