At StaffTraveler, we get that life can throw curveballs. You can make a mistake, or circumstances can change. So maybe you might need an update on the loads or a credit refund. We strive to be fair and ensure you never use more credits than necessary. To smoothen your non-rev journey, we’ll either reopen your request for free or refund your credits in certain cases. Here’s the lowdown on when and how we do it.

When do we refund a request?

We automatically refund your request in the following cases:


When the flight is canceled

If you have requested flight loads and the flight gets canceled, your credit for the request will be automatically refunded. You will be notified about the cancellation so you can make alternative travel plans.


When your request is not answered before the flight’s departure

Requests that are not answered before the flight departs are refunded automatically. You do not need to manually delete them if they are unanswered, as the system will handle the refund process for you.


When an update request hasn’t been answered before the flight’s departure

If you’ve requested an update that hasn’t been answered before the flight’s departure, there’s no need to worry. Unanswered update requests will be automatically refunded after the flight has departed. This applies to both manual update requests and Auto Updates. 


When you delete a request that no loads have been submitted for yet

If you delete a request that hasn’t had any loads submitted yet, you’ll get your credit back as long as no one has answered it or is answering it when you delete it. So, if you decide to delete an unanswered request, you won’t lose your credit.

When do we re-open a request?

We automatically re-open a request for free in the following cases:

  • When the type of aircraft changes.
  • When the loads you received are flagged as incorrect.


Also, when you post a request for a flight that has been requested before by another member, you’ll immediately see the currently known loads. However, this information might be outdated. In this case, the flight will be re-opened to be updated. You’ll receive these updated loads as soon as they are submitted.

When will I receive the refund?

There are two scenarios for processing your refund:

  • If live flight status information is available, we will process your refund when the flight departs.
  • If live flight status is unavailable, we refund unanswered requests 6-12 hours after the flight’s scheduled departure time.


By ensuring that refunds and updates are handled efficiently, we aim to make your non-rev travel experience as smooth and stress-free as possible.

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