At StaffTraveler, we believe your privacy should always be in your hands. The privacy options in our app will give you more control over this. In this blog, you will find everything you need to know about our privacy settings and how we handle your personal data.

Choose Your Display Name

By default, only your first name is shown on StaffTraveler. However, you can choose your own display name. Once set up, this name will be shown when you request loads or comment on a flight.

When you don’t want people to see your name when you respond to a request, you have the following options:

  • Show your first name only (default)
  • Show your chosen display name 
  • Stay anonymous

To change your privacy settings, tap or click the menu button in the top-right corner of the screen and choose ‘Profile & settings’. You’ll find all the privacy settings in the ‘Privacy’ section.

Data Protection

We want you to feel secure when using StaffTraveler. That’s why we treat your personal data with the utmost care.

  • Secure Storage: Your personal data is securely stored, and we do not expose your user ID or any information that can be traced back to you in the loads data you submit. By setting your display name, you control how your name is displayed on StaffTraveler.
  • Compliance: StaffTraveler fully complies with the European GDPR and other local privacy laws. Once a flight departs, we delete all personalized data from our servers. We will never sell your personal data to third parties.

Limited Use: As outlined in our Privacy Policy, we use personal data only to the extent necessary to ensure the essential functionality of our service. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected].

Verification Process

Our platform is designed exclusively for current and former airline employees and their travel companions. To keep StaffTraveler exclusive for non-rev travelers, we verify the eligibility of each new user.

You have several options to confirm your eligibility:

  • A selfie in uniform
  • A picture of your airline ID
  • A screenshot of access to your company’s non-rev website/app
  • An email from your corporate account
  • A screenshot of your staff travel status
  • You can submit a retirement letter or similar documents if you are a retired airline employee.

Are you a family member or a companion of an airline employee? You can confirm your eligibility by:

  • Submitting any proof mentioned above that shows your family member’s airline employment
  • Providing a screenshot that verifies your non-rev travel eligibility

The proof of employment you share remains strictly confidential and is never shared with any third parties. Any proof you provide during the sign-up process is deleted from our systems once your account is activated.

At StaffTraveler, your privacy is our priority. We’re committed to providing you with a secure and user-friendly experience so you can focus on what matters most – your non-rev travels.

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