The holidays are upon us, which means that holiday travellers are about to be out and about. Holiday travel is hectic, emotional, and can get the best of you. This is because most holiday travellers ONLY travel in the holiday season. So if you are a holiday traveller, here are my tips to help you on your journeys this season.


Give yourself wiggle room

If you are travelling to a destination that has an event, and the event is the day of or the day after, give yourself some breathing room. You never know when another ice-apocalypse may show up in the middle of the night, or the middle of the country. Sure, you may be heading from Florida to California, but if there’s a storm in the way with no way around… well there’s no way around. And no, we don’t just fly through stuff. The extra time will let you get settled there, and help keep your mind at ease. It’s not a luxury everyone can give themselves, but in the case that you can allow it, a little wiggle room never hurts. 


Know the weather

Not just where you going to, but check out what’s happening in between there. I always look at the weather map when I fly. That way I can be aware of areas that or flights that may have some turbulence. 


Show up WAY earlier than needed

There’s always that passenger that comes onboard who can’t catch his or her breath, sweat beads rolling down the brow, and a dishevelled look like “why me”? I get it. Things happen. Security lines can be really long. Maybe you got randomly selected for testing. I’m not going to ask, but I will say to be prepared. During the holidays, the lines are going to be extra long. Also, people bring everything AND the kitchen sink with them. So that’s going to cause delays. Whether it be someone who has to reorganize their luggage because it’s overweight, or maybe it’s someone who is bringing food that was iced, but now the ice is melted (this is an issue because usually the melted ice is over the liquid carry-on limit and now the items need to be disposed of). 


Know the airline’s limits

For most airlines, carry on luggage must be 9 inches x 14 inches x 22 inches (22 cm x 35 cm x 56 cm). If you’re going to check a bag, know what the weight limit is. You don’t want to get stuck at the airport in line for baggage, then have to rearrange everything to meet weight check to avoid a fee. 


Pack the necessary

Flight attendants pack pretty light. We have to drag our luggage around for a while, so the lighter the better. 

My absolute list is: toiletries, phone, charger, going out clothes, workout clothes, sleeping clothes, socks, and shoes. 

Everything else can be left at home or bought at your destination. An optional would be a computer, but it’s heavy and not really needed.

Hopefully, with these tips, you can be more prepared for your travel, which means more time with family and less time worrying. 

Wishing all travellers the best times from the friendly skies!

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