Non-revenue travel (non-rev, in short) is a benefit for airline employees. Non-rev tickets can be used by (retired) airline employees, travel industry employees, their family members, or close friends. You can purchase these tickets at a fraction of the costs of a standard ticket, but they are only granted if unsold seats are available.
Booking non-rev tickets is often not limited to your own airline. Depending on your airline’s agreements you might be able to book non-rev tickets on many other airlines.
Non-rev, ISA, GP, ZED and IPB are some of the abbreviations used for non-revenue airline travel, also referred to as staff travel. You may come across the term ID90. This stands for Industry Discount. The number indicates the amount of discount on the standard full fare economy rate. ID90 means 90% off.
Non-Rev Codes
There are different kinds of non-rev tickets and priorities.
- ID90 is a standby ticket
- ID80 is a standby ticket
- ID75 may be confirmed
- ID50 is a confirmed ticket
You might also see one of these priority codes added:
- S Service (employee, traveling to or from work)
- R Rebate (employee, traveling for leisure)
- N Non-company (not an employee)
- B Non-company traveling to or from work, not used by all airlines
The letter is followed by either 1 or 2, where 1 is a confirmed ticket, and 2 is a standby ticket. These combinations can occur regardless of the discount percentage.
These codes determine the priority in case of a full flight. An S1 ticket will have priority over everyone else, including regular paying passengers.
Insider Non-Rev Knowledge
There is too much to know about staff travel to cover here. However, we have collected everything you need about non-rev travel in the StaffTraveler Insider Knowledge Base.
Also, every airline has its own procedures and rules. Make sure you inform yourself thoroughly about the particularities of the airline you wish to travel with. You’ll find everything you need to know in the StaffTraveler Airline Notes.
Get the Non-Rev Seat Availability
When traveling on a standby ticket, it’s paramount to know the seat availability for the flights you wish to travel on. The StaffTraveler app gets you in touch with the people who can look up the number of available seats. With the app, you can accurately estimate your chances of getting onboard by having access to accurate, reliable flight loads.
The StaffTraveler app has been trusted by airline employees from all airlines around the world since 2016. Join them today to make your future non-rev trips stress-free!
Are you ready to go? Check your flights with StaffTraveler, pack your stuff and have a wonderful time!
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